Here’s How to Advertise on Our Big Sign

Home Hardware Lloydminster has a state-of-the-art advertising tool; a full-colour, full-video, 16’×8′, double-sided LED display advertising billboard.

When researching our marketing strategy in our community, we learned that our most effective messages were those we had displayed on our sign. Billboards have been proven to be one of the most effective forms of advertising in building brand awareness.

Our display is located at the intersection of Highway 17 (50th Avenue) and 28th Street. The city recently deemed this junction to be a particularly high traffic location, making traffic lights necessary. A recent traffic study conducted by the City of Lloydminster has shown that Highway 17 (50th Avenue) has a higher traffic volume than the Trans-Canada Yellowhead Highway, Highway 16 (44th Street).

Being located at traffic lights ensures a captive audience from all four directions: North, South, East, and West.

Our display features state-of-the-art LED technology with spacing 12mm apart, which provides the sharpest, clearest image possible. Our display is automatically calibrated to perform under all lighting conditions. This television-like display provides stunning visuals whether it is cloudy, sunny or nighttime.

The display runs from 6:00am until 10:00pm (16 hours/day), with play of advertisements limited on Sundays and statutory holidays.

The North-facing display is visible from a considerable distance

Package 1*

1 Week

Approx. 5,800


Package 2*

2 Weeks

Approx. 11,500


Package 3*

1 Month

Approx. 25,000


* Packages do not include design services. Send an email to [email protected] to discuss additional packages and pricing options. Impression counts are estimates only, based on 1 impression per minute for 16 hours per day, 6 days per week.

Technical Specs and Requirements

Dimensions and Size

The pixel resolution of each display is 286 pixels wide by 132 pixels tall. This seems very small compared to the physical size of the display, but the display is designed to be seen from hundreds of feet away unlike a computer monitor or mobile device. Each pixel (dot) on the physical display is approximately 7/8″ squared in size. Please ensure that images are clear and that text is legible when scaled to 286 x 132 pixels.

File Formats

Any standard image file format is acceptable, though PNG is recommended.

Any widescreen video file format is acceptable as well. The video will be scaled and/or cropped to fit 286×132 if it is not provided at that size, and we will take care of converting it into the display’s required format.

Time Exposure

Each advertisement will be visible for and limited to 6 seconds in a repeating playlist of other advertisements.

When designing or providing graphics, especially those that contain text, remember that less is more. Drivers should be able to read your advertisement within 6 seconds while driving by. This is for their safety and also as a matter of fairness to other ads in rotation.


To ensure that the display is safe for drivers to read, please ensure that text is brief, clear, and contrasts well against its background. Avoid the use of very bright or white backgrounds and avoid strobing or flashing of text.

Content Disclaimer

We reserve the right to refuse displaying content for any reason, including but not limited to: 1) Content not suitable for all ages; 2) Content of vulgar or controversial nature; 3) Competitor advertising; or 4) Distracting elements like flashing, strobing, or excessive text.


If you would like to inquire about advertising on our digital displays, send us an email at [email protected] or submit your advertisement request using the following form.

Big Sign Advertising Request Form
Refer to the packages options for more information
Start Date must be at least 7 days after today’s date.
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